Mark Ostrowski, President, MCS Insurance Agency, LLC
Beyond community banking, tell us what you are involved with in your community.
Mark: My wife Joann and I volunteer to teach a program we entitled Successful Living at the Mifflin County Correctional Facility. It’s a four-part series we developed, which deals with goal setting, identifying career choices, money management, and budgeting. We run two classes concurrently, one at the men’s facility and one at the women’s annex.
Can you share with us the reason you are so passionate about the organization(s) with which you are involved?
Mark: Working with organizations that help strengthen lives and assist individuals in taking the long view only serves to fortify our communities. When we do better together, we are stronger. This speaks to mutuality; a concept not discussed much these days. It embodies the understanding of interdependence. We do better together, and individual success helps fuel community success, which in turn has a positive impact in the commonwealth and ultimately has the potential for national and global influence. It all begins with the individual and the potential that lies within.
What prompted you to be a #DifferenceMaker in your community?
Mark: We are energized by our faith and the realization that we have so much for which to be thankful. Our goal is to live well-rounded, holistic lives that connect all aspects of daily living together including faith, finances, career, health, relationships, legacy, and time, and encouraging others to do the same.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your involvement with your community?
Mark: Knowing that our efforts can have a positive impact in others’ lives.
You obviously have a strong desire to give back to your community, does your volunteer work ever mix with your professional life?
Mark: Our professional lives serve as the catalyst for our volunteer work. The concepts and ideas we have studied and honed to apply professionally can be utilized in great part to benefit those who have not given much consideration to these types of matters. Granted, the approach often needs to be different because of the audience, however the concepts are the same.
You are obviously very busy, what is your favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?
Mark: I often come home to a home cooked meal prepared by Joann. However, in this regard, perhaps we are a bit unorthodox. We actually start our day by spending the first hour or so together, slowly winding up, connecting and enjoying tea with one another while we read devotionals and a daily reader, which serves to encourage and focus us. Afterwards, I’ll often follow that time with a light workout and then suit up for the day. Thanks for your interest in our endeavors!